Non-Profit OrganizationsFitness
About Us
We are a non-profit 501 (c) (3) educational organization serving the needs of children of all ages.
Superfit Kidz foundation was established in 2008 as a children’s nutritional awareness
and exercise program that promotes a healthy lifestyle through unique physical activities
and nutritional programs and events. Superfitkidz both manages, implements
and sells signature programs targeting children and families, organized youth groups,
accredited schools, healthcare professionals, fitness facilities and health insurance companies.
Superfit Kidz has pioneered a fitness program for children of all ages. These children, with
reinforcement from parents and role models, must learn a healthy and active lifestyle from the
beginning and learn to love a healthy lifestyle. The partnerships we create facilitate
an educational, fun and innovative delivery system of safe and
effective exercises for children of all ages.
Video Media

Rep/Contact Info
Ms. Connie Jo Russo
- Phone: (727) 992-1696
- Send an Email
- P.O.Box 1252 Tarpon Springs FL 34688