Business Consultants
About Us
If you are an independent business owner, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question before:
How do I outcompete the big brands and franchises in my market when they have way more money than I do to spend on advertising and way more name recognition?
Believe it or not, the answer is not more advertising. The answer is to create a customer experience so remarkable and compelling that people can’t help but be drawn to your business.
I know, because I’ve been there. After turning around dozens of independent businesses, outcompeting the big guys in some of the most competitive markets around, and winning multiple awards for outstanding customer experience, I’ve developed a strategy specifically designed for small to medium-sized, independent businesses that makes the process understandable, doable, and affordable.
Most importantly, though, I can help you get the results you want. In fact, my top performing clients increased their net profits nearly 50% in just one year.
Here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business today:
1. Download my e-book 38 Ways to Market Your Small Business. (Go to: www.tedyeatts.com/38ways)
2. Check out free training and resources at TedYeatts.com/resources
3.Go to https://tidycal.com/tedyeatts/free-coaching-session to schedule a FREE one-hour coaching session with me. There's no pushy sales pitch, but you will get inspired with practical ideas you can use immediately to grow your business.