Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
Fat Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 6-9pm
Event will be held in an intimate, "Under the Stars" venue at Veteran's Memorial Park, 250 Park Blvd E, Oldsmar, Fl 34677
$50 per person contribution, Table Sponsorship $500, Event Sponsorship $250 and up
Contact Information
Suda Yantisss-Colon, Chair, President OFotA 727-409-4106
Send Email

Join us for our first upcoming 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Gala 2023 supporting our Oldsmar Performing Arts Progams! Visit OFotA.org for more information and to purchase your tickets online. Oldsmar Friends of the Arts is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and we thank you in advance for your support! Attire suggested: Mardi Gras Semi formal to formal.